Girl Skate Jam UK 2011

10 Years of the Girl Skate Jam UK
The 10th Anniversary, it’s a little hard to believe that all that time has passed since the very first Jam at Playstation Skate Park (now Bay Sixty6) in 2002. To mark the special occasion, a selection of photographs from the previous 9 events were put up on display. Michelle, Alan and baby Lennox Rushbrooke hosted the NIKITA BBQ, doing a marvelous job catering to all the differing dietary requirements (sourcing the meat from Lucy Adams’ Dad – nothing like keeping it in the skateboarding family!)
Although the advertised kick off time was 1pm, as happened in previous years, entrants started arriving from 11am. First through the doors was Italian rider Anita Almonte, AKA ‘powerhouse of the park’, she was followed by Bristolian rider Villa Kula, reigning champ Lucy Adams, Skatergirl writer Dani Gallacher, New Zealander Sophie Allen and a first from Japan – Ayumi Watanabe with many more then following. All members of the Rogue team managed to make an appearance including Emily Russell who’d flown down from Scotland early that morning – she deserved a medal just for the 4am start!

The Judging Beauties
The order of events followed the same pattern as previous years – a 2-hour jam for all, followed by Under 18’s, Over 18’s, Mini and Sponsored competitions. Under the guise of ‘10 years of celebrations’, riders were also invited to dress up for an extra two categories; 90’s girl skater and cross dresser.
N.W.A.’s Straight Outta Compton kicked off the Under 18’s comp. A classic on any DJ’s set list but it wasn’t until half way through the song that anyone realised the lyrics that were actually blaring out to those young innocent ears! Skate musical education – that’s what it’s called if any parent asks…

Caitlin takes on the rail
The youngest rider in the Under 18’s category was 11-year-old Rom local Ruby Easterling who did a good job of riding all the ramps in the park. Charlotte Thatcher did a nice ollie down the driveway. Claire Thompson, 14, impressed with her mad tech skills most notably a big spin and fakie big flip. Pioneer local ripper, 14 year old Caitlin Robinson Mawhood has progressed so much since last years comp – this time hitting up the big rail, transferring from quarter to quarter and clearing the driveway all at some speed. She also managed a pretty sweet face plant on the concrete but got straight up and continued with her run. The girl has balls of steel and is definitely one to watch in the future.

Watanabe's version of the leap of faith
In the Over 18’s category, northerner Laura Johnson returned for her second year to compete pulling off a sweet backside 5050 shuv out on the block into the bank. Dani Gallacher nailed a front feeble 270 out, crook on the quarter and a flip down the Wembley. Anita Almonte basically went full pelt at everything, making the transfer from quarter to quarter, frontside ollie on the big quarter and a boardslide on the rail. Though it was Ayumi Watanabe who got the crowd going with her attempt at a boneless off the 7 foot ramp – even after slamming on each attempt she got up with a huge grin on her face every time.
After the heavy showers in the morning, the weather proceeded to get better and better and sunshine was in full swing by the time the miniramp comp began.

Helen Lovelee’s bag of tricks included a backside 5.0, long 5050’s and frontside lipslide. Emily Russell pulled off front and back tailslides, blunt to pivot and a back disaster to smith. Helena Long had a whole host of crazy drop-ins up her sleeve – some looking suspiciously similar to star jumps. She also got blunt fakie, back smiths and halfcab boardslides. Unfortunately work beckoned and Helena had to leave before the Sponsored section began.
20 minutes was then given to the oldies and suspect looking ladies with hairy legs. This was their chance to show off their costumes. It is sometimes incredible to think what skaters wore back in the 90’s and the fact it was the norm not to be able to see ones feet whilst skating, whilst ones trouser crotch swung around ones knees. Best Cross Dresser was awarded to Ewen ‘garters’ Bower and 90’s Girl Skater to Jenna ‘what were you thinking’ Selby.

Emily tames the ramp - Scottish style
The day was rounded off with the sponsored comp and yet again Lucy Adamsretained her crown as Queen of the Girl Skate Jam. Tricks included a switch boardslide and a halfcab boardslide on the rail, fakie flip on the steep bank and a backside 5.0 and bs tail on the block. Second went to Emma Richardson who has found her feet on her board again producing a solid run with tricks including a frontside 5.0 on the bloack, kickflip, back and front 180 up the Wembley and a backside smith revert on the big quarter. Georgina Winter was awarded third place after landing a kickflip and pop shuv tail grab up the gap.

Lucy and her trademark trick
A big THANK YOU has to go out to all the volunteers who gave up their time to help out before and on the day: MC – Joff Talbot, DJ’s – Ian Harris, John Glanville and Lou Symington, door – Di Hedley, filmers – Leigh Burton, Michael McInally and Mark Sinfield, judges – Stu Smith and Ewen Bower, canteen – Salv Insalaco, trophy Man – Andrew Selby, the Selby Family, late night park sweeper/BBQ scrubber and other fun jobs – Matt Talbot and finally the staff and management committee at Pioneer Skate Park.

Thank you Pioneer Staff
Also a big thank you to the sponsors for your support: NIKITA, ROGUE, EASTPAK, COOLER, DC, DEATH, GIRL, MATIX, HEROIN, LOVENSKATE, LES ETTES and DVS GIRL
Read Cooler’s ‘Pro Chat’ interview with Lucy Adams before the event here
UNDER 18’s
1st – Caitlin Robinson Mawhood, 2nd – Claire Thompson, 3rd – Ruby Easterline

Under 18's Winners
OVER 18’s
1st – Anita Almonte, 2nd – Danielle Gallacher, 3rd – Laura Johnson

Over 18's Winners
1st – Helena Long, 2nd – Emily Russell, 3rd – Helen Lovelee

Miniramp Winners
1st – Lucy Adams, 2nd – Emma Richardson, 3rd – Georgina Winter

Sponsored Winners